Mongo 安裝

Meteor 不是孤立存在的,並且通常會安裝一些額外的開發工具,例如 Mongo,Robomongo,Atom,Linters 等。

# make sure mongo is in your local path
nano ~/.profile
  export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mongodb/bin

# or install it to the global path
nano /etc/paths

# create mongo database directory
mkdir /data/
mkdir /data/db
chown -R username:admin /data

# run mongodb server

# check that you can connect to your meteor app with stand-alone mongo
terminal-a$ meteor create helloworld
terminal-a$ cd helloworld
terminal-a$ meteor

terminal-b$ mongo -port 3001

# install robomongo database admin tool

# check you can connect to your mongo instance with robomongo
terminal-a$ meteor create helloworld
terminal-a$ cd helloworld
terminal-a$ meteor

Dock$ Robomongo > Create > localhost:3001