
本快速入門是為 Mac OSX Mavericks 編寫的,並且比其他安裝說明更冗長。它應該有希望涵蓋一些邊緣情況,例如設定路徑和配置 NPM,這可能導致安裝出錯。

# install meteor
    curl https://install.meteor.com | sh
    # check it's installed correctly
    meteor --version
    # install node
    # as of OSX Mavericks, we need the GUI installer (?!)
    # when a good command line alternative is found, we'll post it
    # install npm
    curl -0 -L https://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh
    # check node is installed correctly
    node --version
    # check npm is installed correctly
    npm -version
    # find your npm path
    which npm
    # make sure npm is in your path
    sudo nano ~/.profile
      export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin