LOOP 中,你可以在任何表示式中使用 Common Lisp (return) 表單,這將使 LOOP 表單立即計算為 return 的值。

LOOP 也有一個 return 子句幾乎完全相同,唯一的區別是你不用括號括起來。該子句在 LOOP 的 DSL 中使用,而表單在表示式中使用。

(loop for x in list
      do (if (listp x) ;; Non-barewords after DO are expressions
             (return :x-has-a-list)))

;; Here, both the IF and the RETURN are clauses
(loop for x in list
     if (listp x) return :x-has-a-list)

;; Evaluate the RETURN expression and assign it to X...
;; except RETURN jumps out of the loop before the assignment
;; happens.
(loop for x = (return :nothing-else-happens)
      do (print :this-doesnt-print))

finally 之後的東西必須是一個表示式,所以必須使用 (return) 形式而不是 return 子句:

 (loop for n from 1 to 100
       when (evenp n) collect n into evens
       else collect n into odds
      finally return (values evens odds)) ;; ERROR!

 (loop for n from 1 to 100
       when (evenp n) collect n into evens
       else collect n into odds
      finally (return (values evens odds))) ;; Correct usage.