
大小為 3 的視窗的一些示例:

;; Naïve attempt:
(loop for (first second third) on '(1 2 3 4 5)
      do (print (* first second third)))
;; prints 6 24 60 then Errors on (* 4 5 NIL)

;; We will try again and put our attempt into a function
(defun loop-3-window1 (function list)
  (loop for (first second third) on list
        while (and second third)
        do (funcall function first second third)))
(loop-3-window1 (lambda (a b c) (print (* a b c))) '(1 2 3 4 5))
;; prints 6 24 60 and returns NIL
(loop-3-window1 (lambda (a b c) (print (list a b c))) '(a b c d nil nil e f))
;; prints (a b c) (b c d) then returns NIL

;; A second attempt
(defun loop-3-window2 (function list)
  (loop for x on list
        while (nthcdr 2 x) ;checks if there are at least 3 elements
        for (first second third) = x
        do (funcall function first second third)))
(loop-3-window2 (lambda (a b c) (print (list a b c))) '(a b c d nil nil e f))
;; prints (a b c) (b c d) (c d nil) (c nil nil) (nil nil e) (nil e f)

;; A (possibly) more efficient function:
(defun loop-3-window2 (function list)
  (let ((f0 (pop list))
        (s0 (pop list)))
    (loop for first = f0 then second
          and second = s0 then third
          and third in list
          do (funcall function first second third))))

;; A more general function:
(defun loop-n-window (n function list)
  (loop for x on list
        while (nthcdr (1- n) x)
        do (apply function (subseq x 0 n))))
;; With potentially efficient implementation:
(define-compiler-macro loop-n-window (n function list &whole w)
  (if (typep n '(integer 1 #.call-arguments-limit))
     (let ((vars (loop repeat n collect (gensym)))
           (vars0 (loop repeat (1- n) collect (gensym)))
           (lst (gensym)))
       `(let ((,lst ,list))
          (let ,(loop for v in vars0 collect `(,v (pop ,lst)))
            (loop for
                  ,@(loop for v0 in vars0 for (v vn) on vars
                     collect v collect '= collect v0 collect 'then collect vn
                     collect 'and)
                  ,(car (last vars)) in ,lst
                  do ,(if (and (consp function) (eq 'function (car function))