
// 1.0, Revealing Module pattern
var myNamespace = myNamespace || {};

myNamespace.example = (function () {

     * User Event 1.0 example detailing usage of the Submit events
     * @appliedtorecord employee
    var exports = {};

    function beforeSubmit(type) {
        nlapiLogExecution("DEBUG", "Before Submit", "action=" + type);

    function afterSubmit(type) {
        nlapiLogExecution("DEBUG", "After Submit", "action=" + type);

    exports.beforeSubmit = beforeSubmit;
    exports.afterSubmit = afterSubmit;
    return exports;

// 2.0
define(["N/log"], function (log) {

     * User Event 2.0 example showing usage of the Submit events
     * @NApiVersion 2.x
     * @NModuleScope SameAccount
     * @NScriptType UserEventScript
     * @appliedtorecord employee
    var exports = {};

    function beforeSubmit(scriptContext) {
            "title": "Before Submit",
            "details": "action=" + scriptContext.type

    function afterSubmit(scriptContext) {
            "title": "After Submit",
            "details": "action=" + scriptContext.type

    exports.beforeSubmit = beforeSubmit;
    exports.afterSubmit = afterSubmit;
    return exports;