

// 1.0, Revealing Module pattern
var myNamespace = myNamespace || {};
myNamespace.example = (function () {

     * User Event 1.0 example detailing usage of the Submit events
     * @appliedtorecord employee
    var exports = {};

    function beforeSubmit(type) {
        if (!isEmployeeValid(nlapiGetNewRecord())) {
            throw nlapiCreateError("STOIC_ERR_INVALID_DATA", "Employee data is not valid", true);

    function isEmployeeValid(employee) {
        return (!isProjectResource(employee) || hasValidLaborCost(employee));

    function isProjectResource(employee) {
        return (employee.getFieldValue("isjobresource") === "T");

    function hasValidLaborCost(employee) {
        var laborCost = parseFloat(employee.getFieldValue("laborcost"));

        return (Boolean(laborCost) && (laborCost > 0));

    exports.beforeSubmit = beforeSubmit;
    return exports;

// 2.0
define(["N/error"], function (err) {

    var exports = {};

     * User Event 2.0 example detailing usage of the Submit events
     * @NApiVersion 2.x
     * @NModuleScope SameAccount
     * @NScriptType UserEventScript
     * @appliedtorecord employee
    function beforeSubmit(scriptContext) {
        if (!isEmployeeValid(scriptContext)) {
            throw err.create({
                "name": "STOIC_ERR_INVALID_DATA",
                "message": "Employee data is not valid",
                "notifyOff": true

    function isEmployeeValid(scriptContext) {
        return (!isProjectResource(scriptContext.newRecord) || hasValidLaborCost(scriptContext.newRecord));

    function isProjectResource(employee) {
        return (employee.getValue({"fieldId" : "isjobresource"}));

    function hasValidLaborCost(employee) {
        var laborCost = employee.getValue({"fieldId" : "laborcost"});

        return (Boolean(laborCost) && (laborCost > 0));

    exports.beforeSubmit = beforeSubmit;
    return exports;

请注意,我们将对记录的引用传递给我们的验证,因为我们不关心过去的值是什么; 我们只关心即将写入数据库的值。在 2.0 中,我们通过 scriptContext.newRecord 引用来实现,在 1.0 中我们调用全局函数 nlapiGetNewRecord

当提交的数据无效时,我们会创建并抛出错误。在 beforeSubmit 事件中,为了防止将更改写入数据库,你的函数必须知道异常。通常开发人员试图从他们的功能中获取,希望这足够了,但这还不够。使用 N/error 模块在 2.0 中创建错误对象,在 1.0 中使用全局 nlapiCreateError 函数创建错误对象; 然后,我们使用我们创建的错误对象和 throw 关键字来引发异常。