
Preferences 可用于存储反映用户个人应用程序设置的用户设置,例如他们的编辑器字体,是否更喜欢以全屏模式启动应用程序,是否选中不再显示此项复选框和事物像那样。

public class ExitConfirmer {
    private static boolean confirmExit() {
        Preferences preferences = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(ExitConfirmer.class);
        boolean doShowDialog = preferences.getBoolean("showExitConfirmation", true); // true is default value

        if (!doShowDialog) {
            return true;

        // Show a dialog here...
        boolean exitWasConfirmed = ...; // whether the user clicked OK or Cancel
        boolean doNotShowAgain = ...; // get value from "Do not show again" checkbox

        if (exitWasConfirmed && doNotShowAgain) {
            // Exit was confirmed and the user chose that the dialog should not be shown again
            // Save these settings to the Preferences object so the dialog will not show again next time
            preferences.putBoolean("showExitConfirmation", false);

        return exitWasConfirmed;

    public static void exit() {
        if (confirmExit()) {