
它表示为 [sizeDim1][sizeDim2]..[sizeLastDim]type,用对应于维度长度的数字代替 sizeDim,用多维数组中的数据类型代替 type

例如,[2][3]int 是代表组成的阵列 2 个阵列3 INT 类型元素
它基本上可的矩阵的表示 2 行3 列

因此,如果你需要为 0 年以后的每分钟存储一个数字,我们可以制作像 var values := [2017][12][31][24][60]int 这样的巨大尺寸数字数组。

要访问这种数组,对于最后一个示例,在 19:42 搜索 2016-01-31 的值,你将访问 values[2016][0][30][19][42](因为**数组索引从 0 开始,**而不是像 1 天和几个月一样)


// Defining a 2d Array to represent a matrix like
// 1 2 3     So with 2 lines and 3 columns;
// 4 5 6     
var multiDimArray := [2/*lines*/][3/*columns*/]int{ [3]int{1, 2, 3}, [3]int{4, 5, 6} }

// That can be simplified like this:
var simplified := [2][3]int{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}

// What does it looks like ?
// > [[1 2 3] [4 5 6]]

// > [1 2 3]    (first line of the array)

// > 2          (cell of line 0 (the first one), column 1 (the 2nd one))
// We can also define array with as much dimensions as we need
// here, initialized with all zeros
var multiDimArray := [2][4][3][2]string{} 

// Yeah, many dimensions stores many data
// > [[[["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]]]
//    [[["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]]]
//    [[["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]]]
//    [[["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]]]]
//   [[[["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]]]
//    [[["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]]]
//    [[["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]]]
//    [[["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]]]]
// We can set some values in the array's cells
multiDimArray[0][0][0][0] := "All zero indexes"  // Setting the first value
multiDimArray[1][3][2][1] := "All indexes to max"  // Setting the value at extreme location

// If we could see in 4 dimensions, maybe we could see the result as a simple format
// > [[[["All zero indexes" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]]]
//    [[["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]]]
//    [[["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]]]
//    [[["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]]]]
//   [[[["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]]]
//    [[["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]]]
//    [[["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]]]
//    [[["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" ""]] [["" ""] ["" "All indexes to max"]]]]