
在本地宣告的靜態變數不會被破壞,並且在退出 Sub 過程時不會丟失其值。對程式的後續呼叫不需要重新初始化或賦值,儘管你可能希望將任何記住的值歸零


程式碼段 1: 在許多工作表中重用 Scripting.Dictionary 物件

Option Explicit

Sub main()
    Dim w As Long
    For w = 1 To Worksheets.Count
        processDictionary ws:=Worksheets(w)
    Next w
End Sub

Sub processDictionary(ws As Worksheet)
    Dim i As Long, rng As Range
    Static dict As Object
    If dict Is Nothing Then
        'initialize and set the dictionary object
        Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        dict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
        'remove all pre-existing dictionary entries
        ' this may or may not be desired if a single dictionary of entries
        ' from all worksheets is preferred
    End If
    With ws
        'work with a fresh dictionary object for each worksheet
        ' without constructing/destructing a new object each time
        ' or do not clear the dictionary upon subsequent uses and 
        ' build a dictionary containing entries from all worksheets
    End With
End Sub

程式碼段 2: 建立一個後期繫結 VBScript.RegExp 物件的工作表 UDF

Option Explicit

Function numbersOnly(str As String, _
                     Optional delim As String = ", ")
    Dim n As Long, nums() As Variant
    Static rgx As Object, cmat As Object

    'with rgx as static, it only has to be created once
    'this is beneficial when filling a long column with this UDF
    If rgx Is Nothing Then
        Set rgx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
        Set cmat = Nothing
    End If
    With rgx
        .Global = True
        .MultiLine = True
        .Pattern = "[0-9]{1,999}"
        If .Test(str) Then
            Set cmat = .Execute(str)
            'resize the nums array to accept the matches
            ReDim nums(cmat.Count - 1)
            'populate the nums array with the matches
            For n = LBound(nums) To UBound(nums)
                nums(n) = cmat.Item(n)
            Next n
            'convert the nums array to a delimited string
            numbersOnly = Join(nums, delim)
            numbersOnly = vbNullString
        End If
    End With
End Function

StackOverflow 文件
通過五十萬行填充靜態物件的 UDF 示例

* 使用 UDF 填充 500K 行的經過時間:

- 使用 Dim rgx As Object :148.74 秒

- 使用 Static rgx As Object :26.07 秒

* 這些應僅考慮進行相對比較。你自己的結果將根據

請記住,UDF 在工作簿的生命週期中不會計算一次。即使非易失性 UDF 會在其引用的範圍內的值發生變化時重新計算。每個後續重新計算事件只會增加靜態宣告變數的好處。

  • 靜態變數可用於模組的生命週期,而不是宣告和分配它的過程或函式。
  • 靜態變數只能在本地宣告。
  • 靜態變數儲存私有模組級變數的許多相同屬性,但具有更受限制的範圍。

相關參考: 靜態(Visual Basic)