使用 RawRepresentable 協議(可擴充套件列舉)

// RawRepresentable has an associatedType RawValue.
// For this struct, we will make the compiler infer the type
// by implementing the rawValue variable with a type of String
// Compiler infers RawValue = String without needing typealias
struct NotificationName: RawRepresentable {
    let rawValue: String

    static let dataFinished = NotificationNames(rawValue: "DataFinishedNotification")


extension NotificationName {
    static let documentationLaunched = NotificationNames(rawValue: "DocumentationLaunchedNotification")

並且介面可以圍繞任何 RawRepresentable 型別或特別是你的列舉結構進行設計

func post(notification notification: NotificationName) -> Void {
    // use notification.rawValue

在呼叫站點,你可以使用點語法簡寫為型別安全 NotificationName

post(notification: .dataFinished)

使用通用的 RawRepresentable 函式

// RawRepresentable has an associate type, so the 
// method that wants to accept any type conforming to
// RawRepresentable needs to be generic
func observe<T: RawRepresentable>(object: T) -> Void {
    // object.rawValue