
Swift 中的列舉功能比其他語言中的某些功能強大得多,例如 C 語言。它們與結構共享許多功能,例如定義初始化器計算屬性例項方法協議一致性擴充套件

protocol ChangesDirection {
    mutating func changeDirection()

enum Direction {
    // enumeration cases
    case up, down, left, right
    // initialise the enum instance with a case
    // that's in the opposite direction to another
    init(oppositeTo otherDirection: Direction) {
        self = otherDirection.opposite
    // computed property that returns the opposite direction
    var opposite: Direction {
        switch self {
        case .up:
            return .down
        case .down:
            return .up
        case .left:
            return .right
        case .right:
            return .left

// extension to Direction that adds conformance to the ChangesDirection protocol
extension Direction: ChangesDirection {
    mutating func changeDirection() {
        self = .left

var dir = Direction(oppositeTo: .down) // Direction.up

dir.changeDirection() // Direction.left

let opposite = dir.opposite // Direction.right