圖 Trie 堆疊


在電腦科學中,圖形是一種抽象資料型別,旨在實現數學中的無向圖和有向圖概念。圖形資料結構由有限(並且可能是可變的)頂點或節點或點組成,以及用於無向圖的一組無序的這些頂點對或用於有向圖的一組有序對。這些對被稱為用於無向圖的邊,弧或線,以及用於有向圖的箭頭,有向邊,有向弧或有向線。頂點可以是圖結構的一部分,或者可以是由整數索引或引用表示的外部實體。圖形資料結構還可以將每個邊緣值與某個邊緣值相關聯,例如符號標籤或數字屬性(成本,容量,長度等)。 (維基百科,來源

//  GraphFactory.swift
//  SwiftStructures
//  Created by Wayne Bishop on 6/7/14.
//  Copyright (c) 2014 Arbutus Software Inc. All rights reserved.
import Foundation

public class SwiftGraph {
    //declare a default directed graph canvas
    private var canvas: Array<Vertex>
    public var isDirected: Bool
    init() {
        canvas = Array<Vertex>()
        isDirected = true
    //create a new vertex
    func addVertex(key: String) -> Vertex {
        //set the key
        let childVertex: Vertex = Vertex()
        childVertex.key = key
        //add the vertex to the graph canvas
        return childVertex
    //add edge to source vertex
    func addEdge(source: Vertex, neighbor: Vertex, weight: Int) {
        //create a new edge
        let newEdge = Edge()
        //establish the default properties
        newEdge.neighbor = neighbor
        newEdge.weight = weight
        print("The neighbor of vertex: \(source.key as String!) is \(neighbor.key as String!)..")
        //check condition for an undirected graph
        if isDirected == false {
           //create a new reversed edge
           let reverseEdge = Edge()
           //establish the reversed properties
           reverseEdge.neighbor = source
           reverseEdge.weight = weight
           print("The neighbor of vertex: \(neighbor.key as String!) is \(source.key as String!)..")

    /* reverse the sequence of paths given the shortest path.
       process analagous to reversing a linked list. */

    func reversePath(_ head: Path!, source: Vertex) -> Path! {
        guard head != nil else {
            return head
        //mutated copy
        var output = head
        var current: Path! = output
        var prev: Path!
        var next: Path!
        while(current != nil) {
            next = current.previous
            current.previous = prev
            prev = current
            current = next
        //append the source path to the sequence
        let sourcePath: Path = Path()
        sourcePath.destination = source
        sourcePath.previous = prev
        sourcePath.total = nil
        output = sourcePath
        return output

    //process Dijkstra's shortest path algorthim
    func processDijkstra(_ source: Vertex, destination: Vertex) -> Path? {
        var frontier: Array<Path> = Array<Path>()
        var finalPaths: Array<Path> = Array<Path>()
        //use source edges to create the frontier
        for e in source.neighbors {
            let newPath: Path = Path()
            newPath.destination = e.neighbor
            newPath.previous = nil
            newPath.total = e.weight
            //add the new path to the frontier

        //construct the best path
        var bestPath: Path = Path()
        while frontier.count != 0 {
            //support path changes using the greedy approach
            bestPath = Path()
            var pathIndex: Int = 0

            for x in 0..<frontier.count {
                let itemPath: Path = frontier[x]
                if  (bestPath.total == nil) || (itemPath.total < bestPath.total) {
                    bestPath = itemPath
                    pathIndex = x
            //enumerate the bestPath edges
            for e in bestPath.destination.neighbors {
                let newPath: Path = Path()
                newPath.destination = e.neighbor
                newPath.previous = bestPath
                newPath.total = bestPath.total + e.weight
                //add the new path to the frontier
            //preserve the bestPath
            //remove the bestPath from the frontier
            //frontier.removeAtIndex(pathIndex) - Swift2
            frontier.remove(at: pathIndex)
        } //end while
        //establish the shortest path as an optional
        var shortestPath: Path! = Path()
        for itemPath in finalPaths {
            if (itemPath.destination.key == destination.key) {
                if  (shortestPath.total == nil) || (itemPath.total < shortestPath.total) {
                    shortestPath = itemPath
        return shortestPath
    ///an optimized version of Dijkstra's shortest path algorthim
    func processDijkstraWithHeap(_ source: Vertex, destination: Vertex) -> Path! {
        let frontier: PathHeap = PathHeap()
        let finalPaths: PathHeap = PathHeap()
        //use source edges to create the frontier
        for e in source.neighbors {
            let newPath: Path = Path()
            newPath.destination = e.neighbor
            newPath.previous = nil
            newPath.total = e.weight
            //add the new path to the frontier
        //construct the best path
        var bestPath: Path = Path()
        while frontier.count != 0 {
            //use the greedy approach to obtain the best path
            bestPath = Path()
            bestPath = frontier.peek()
            //enumerate the bestPath edges
            for e in bestPath.destination.neighbors {
                let newPath: Path = Path()
                newPath.destination = e.neighbor
                newPath.previous = bestPath
                newPath.total = bestPath.total + e.weight
                //add the new path to the frontier
            //preserve the bestPaths that match destination
            if (bestPath.destination.key == destination.key) {
            //remove the bestPath from the frontier
        } //end while
        //obtain the shortest path from the heap
        var shortestPath: Path! = Path()
        shortestPath = finalPaths.peek()
        return shortestPath
    //MARK: traversal algorithms
    //bfs traversal with inout closure function
    func traverse(_ startingv: Vertex, formula: (_ node: inout Vertex) -> ()) {

        //establish a new queue
        let graphQueue: Queue<Vertex> = Queue<Vertex>()
        //queue a starting vertex
        while !graphQueue.isEmpty() {
            //traverse the next queued vertex
            var vitem: Vertex = graphQueue.deQueue() as Vertex!
            //add unvisited vertices to the queue
            for e in vitem.neighbors {
                if e.neighbor.visited == false {
                    print("adding vertex: \(e.neighbor.key!) to queue..")

            notes: this demonstrates how to invoke a closure with an inout parameter.
            By passing by reference no return value is required.
            //invoke formula
        } //end while
        print("graph traversal complete..")

    //breadth first search
    func traverse(_ startingv: Vertex) {
        //establish a new queue
        let graphQueue: Queue<Vertex> = Queue<Vertex>()
        //queue a starting vertex
        while !graphQueue.isEmpty() {
            //traverse the next queued vertex
            let vitem = graphQueue.deQueue() as Vertex!
            guard vitem != nil else {
            //add unvisited vertices to the queue
            for e in vitem!.neighbors {
                if e.neighbor.visited == false {
                    print("adding vertex: \(e.neighbor.key!) to queue..")
            vitem!.visited = true
            print("traversed vertex: \(vitem!.key!)..")
        } //end while
        print("graph traversal complete..")
    } //end function
    //use bfs with trailing closure to update all values
    func update(startingv: Vertex, formula:((Vertex) -> Bool)) {
        //establish a new queue
        let graphQueue: Queue<Vertex> = Queue<Vertex>()
        //queue a starting vertex
        while !graphQueue.isEmpty() {
            //traverse the next queued vertex
            let vitem = graphQueue.deQueue() as Vertex!            
            guard vitem != nil else {
            //add unvisited vertices to the queue
            for e in vitem!.neighbors {
                if e.neighbor.visited == false {
                    print("adding vertex: \(e.neighbor.key!) to queue..")
            //apply formula..
            if formula(vitem!) == false {
                print("formula unable to update: \(vitem!.key)")
            else {
                print("traversed vertex: \(vitem!.key!)..")
            vitem!.visited = true
        } //end while
        print("graph traversal complete..")




在電腦科學中,trie,也稱為數字樹,有時候是基數樹或字首樹(因為它們可以通過字首搜尋),是一種搜尋樹 - 一種有序的樹資料結構,用於儲存動態集或關聯鍵通常是字串的陣列。 (維基百科,來源

//  Trie.swift
//  SwiftStructures
//  Created by Wayne Bishop on 10/14/14.
//  Copyright (c) 2014 Arbutus Software Inc. All rights reserved.
import Foundation

public class Trie {
    private var root: TrieNode!
        root = TrieNode()
    //builds a tree hierarchy of dictionary content
    func append(word keyword: String) {
        //trivial case
        guard keyword.length > 0 else {
        var current: TrieNode = root
        while keyword.length != current.level {
            var childToUse: TrieNode!
            let searchKey = keyword.substring(to: current.level + 1)
            //print("current has \(current.children.count) children..")
            //iterate through child nodes
            for child in current.children {
                if (child.key == searchKey) {
                    childToUse = child
            //new node
            if childToUse == nil {
                childToUse = TrieNode()
                childToUse.key = searchKey
                childToUse.level = current.level + 1
            current = childToUse
        } //end while
        //final end of word check
        if (keyword.length == current.level) {
            current.isFinal = true
            print("end of word reached!")
    } //end function

    //find words based on the prefix
    func search(forWord keyword: String) -> Array<String>! {
        //trivial case
        guard keyword.length > 0 else {
            return nil
        var current: TrieNode = root
        var wordList = Array<String>()
        while keyword.length != current.level {
            var childToUse: TrieNode!
            let searchKey = keyword.substring(to: current.level + 1)

            //print("looking for prefix: \(searchKey)..")
            //iterate through any child nodes
            for child in current.children {
                if (child.key == searchKey) {
                    childToUse = child
                    current = childToUse
            if childToUse == nil {
               return nil
        } //end while
        //retrieve the keyword and any descendants
        if ((current.key == keyword) && (current.isFinal)) {

        //include only children that are words
        for child in current.children {
            if (child.isFinal == true) {
        return wordList

    } //end function



在電腦科學中,堆疊是一種抽象資料型別,用作元素的集合,有兩個主要操作:push,它向集合新增元素,pop,刪除最近新增的尚未刪除的元素。元素從堆疊中出現的順序產生了其替代名稱 LIFO(用於後進,先出)。另外,窺視操作可以在不修改堆疊的情況下訪問頂部。 (維基百科,來源

請參閱下面的許可證資訊和原始程式碼源( github

//  Stack.swift
//  SwiftStructures
//  Created by Wayne Bishop on 8/1/14.
//  Copyright (c) 2014 Arbutus Software Inc. All rights reserved.
import Foundation

class Stack<T> {
    private var top: Node<T>
    init() {
        top = Node<T>()
    //the number of items - O(n)
    var count: Int {
        //return trivial case
        guard top.key != nil else {
          return 0
        var current = top
        var x: Int = 1
        //cycle through list
        while current.next != nil {
            current = current.next!
            x += 1
        return x        
    //add item to the stack
    func push(withKey key: T) {
        //return trivial case
        guard top.key != nil else {
            top.key = key
        //create new item
        let childToUse = Node<T>()
        childToUse.key = key
        //set new created item at top
        childToUse.next = top
        top = childToUse        


    //remove item from the stack
    func pop() {
        if self.count > 1 {
            top = top.next
        else {
            top.key = nil
    //retrieve the top most item
    func peek() -> T! {

        //determine instance
        if let topitem = top.key {
            return topitem
        else {
            return nil
    //check for value
    func isEmpty() -> Bool {
        if self.count == 0 {
            return true
        else {
            return false



版權所有(c)2015,Wayne Bishop&Arbutus Software Inc.


