

// Lines should never exceed 100 characters. 
// Instead, just wrap on to the next line.
let bad_example = "So this sort of code should never really happen, because it's really hard to fit on the screen!";


// You should always use 4 spaces for indentation. 
// Tabs are discouraged - if you can, set your editor to convert
// a tab into 4 spaces.
let x = vec![1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9];
for item in x {
    if x / 2 == 3 {
        println!("{}", x);




// For clarity, always add a space when using binary operators, e.g.
// +, -, =, *
let bad=3+4;
let good = 3 + 4;


// Good:
#[deprecated = "Don't use my class - use Bar instead!"]

// Bad:
#[deprecated="This is broken"]


// There is no space between the end of a statement
// and a semicolon.

let bad = Some("don't do this!") ;
let good: Option<&str> = None;


// Struct fields should **not** be aligned using spaces, like this:
pub struct Wrong {
    pub x  : i32,
    pub foo: i64 

// Instead, just leave 1 space after the colon and write the type, like this:
pub struct Right {
    pub x: i32,
    pub foo: i64


// Long function signatures should be wrapped and aligned so that
// the starting parameter of each line is aligned
fn foo(example_item: Bar, another_long_example: Baz, 
       yet_another_parameter: Quux) 
       -> ReallyLongReturnItem {
    // Be careful to indent the inside block correctly!


// The starting brace should always be on the same line as its parent.
// The ending brace should be on its own line.
fn bad()
    println!("This is incorrect.");

struct Good {
    example: i32

struct AlsoBad {
    example: i32 }