
#[cfg(any(target_arch="x86", target_arch="x86_64"))]
fn subtract(first: i32, second: i32) {
   unsafe {
        // Output values must either be unassigned (let result;) or mutable.
        let result: i32;
        // Each value that you pass in will be in a certain register, which
        // can be accessed with $0, $1, $2...
        // The registers are assigned from left to right, so $0 is the 
        // register containing 'result', $1 is the register containing 
        // 'first' and $2 is the register containing 'second'.
        // Rust uses AT&T syntax by default, so the format is:
        // SUB source, destination
        // which is equivalent to:
        // destination -= source;
        // Because we want to subtract the first from the second, 
        // we use the 0 constraint on 'first' to use the same
        // register as the output.
        // Therefore, we're doing:
        // SUB second, first
        // and getting the value of 'first'
        asm!("SUB $2, $0" : "=r"(result) : "0"(first), "r"(second));
        println!("{}", result);

可以在此處找到 LLVM 的約束程式碼,但這可能會因 rustc 編譯器使用的 LLVM 版本而異。