

在程式碼中的某些位置可訪問的所有 Python 變數都在本地範圍全域性範圍內


foo = 1  # global

def func():
    bar = 2  # local
    print(foo)  # prints variable foo from global scope
    print(bar)  # prints variable bar from local scope

可以檢查哪個變數在哪個範圍內。內建函式 locals()globals() 將整個範圍作為字典返回。

foo = 1

def func():
    bar = 2
    print(globals().keys())  # prints all variable names in global scope
    print(locals().keys())  # prints all variable names in local scope


foo = 1

def func():
    foo = 2  # creates a new variable foo in local scope, global foo is not affected

    print(foo)  # prints 2

    # global variable foo still exists, unchanged:
    print(globals()['foo'])  # prints 1
    print(locals()['foo'])  # prints 2

要修改全域性變數,請使用關鍵字 global

foo = 1

def func():
    global foo
    foo = 2  # this modifies the global foo, rather than creating a local variable



foo = 1

def func():
    # This function has a local variable foo, because it is defined down below.
    # So, foo is local from this point. Global foo is hidden.

    print(foo) # raises UnboundLocalError, because local foo is not yet initialized
    foo = 7


foo = 1

def func():
    # In this function, foo is a global variable from the begining

    foo = 7  # global foo is modified

    print(foo)  # 7
    print(globals()['foo'])  # 7

    global foo  # this could be anywhere within the function
    print(foo)  # 7



foo = 1

def f1():
    bar = 1

    def f2():
        baz = 2
        # here, foo is a global variable, baz is a local variable
        # bar is not in either scope
        print(locals().keys())  # ['baz']
        print('bar' in locals())  # False
        print('bar' in globals())  # False

    def f3():
        baz = 3
        print(bar)  # bar from f1 is referenced so it enters local scope of f3 (closure)
        print(locals().keys())  # ['bar', 'baz']
        print('bar' in locals())  # True
        print('bar' in globals())  # False

    def f4():
        bar = 4  # a new local bar which hides bar from local scope of f1
        baz = 4
        print(locals().keys())  # ['bar', 'baz']
        print('bar' in locals())  # True
        print('bar' in globals())  # False

global vs nonlocal(僅限 Python 3)


global 關鍵字宣告應將名稱視為全域性變數。

foo = 0  # global foo

def f1():
    foo = 1  # a new foo local in f1
    def f2():
        foo = 2  # a new foo local in f2
        def f3():
            foo = 3  # a new foo local in f3
            print(foo)  # 3
            foo = 30  # modifies local foo in f3 only
        def f4():
            global foo
            print(foo)  # 0
            foo = 100  # modifies global foo

另一方面,Python 3 中提供的 nonlocal(參見非區域性變數 )將一個區域性變數從一個封閉的範圍帶入當前函式的區域性範圍。

nonlocalPython 文件


Python 3.x >= 3.0
def f1():
    def f2():
        foo = 2  # a new foo local in f2

        def f3():
            nonlocal foo  # foo from f2, which is the nearest enclosing scope
            print(foo)  # 2
            foo = 20  # modifies foo from f2!