
你可以用功能做的 5 件基本事情:

  • 將函式分配給變數

    def f():
    y = f
    # Output: 20
  • 在其他函式中定義函式( 巢狀函式

    def f(a, b, y):
        def inner_add(a, b):      # inner_add is hidden from outer code
            return a + b
        return inner_add(a, b)**y
  • 函式可以返回其他函式

    def f(y):
        def nth_power(x):
            return x ** y
        return nth_power    # returns a function
    squareOf = f(2)         # function that returns the square of a number           
    cubeOf = f(3)           # function that returns the cube of a number
    squareOf(3)             # Output: 9
    cubeOf(2)               # Output: 8
  • 函式可以作為引數傳遞給其他函式

    def a(x, y):
        print(x, y)
    def b(fun, str):        # b has two arguments: a function and a string 
        fun('Hello', str)
    b(a, 'Sophia')           # Output: Hello Sophia
  • 內部函式可以訪問封閉範圍( Closure

    def outer_fun(name):
        def inner_fun():     # the variable name is available to the inner function
            return "Hello "+ name + "!"
        return inner_fun
    greet = outer_fun("Sophia")
    print(greet())            # Output: Hello Sophia!
