使用 Stub 和 Mock 的 APItest 的 PHPUNIT 示例

你將為其建立單元測試用例的類。 class Authorization {

/* Observer so that mock object can work. */    
 public function attach(Curl $observer)
    $this->observers = $observer;

/* Method for which we will create test */
public  function postAuthorization($url, $method) {
    return $this->observers->callAPI($url, $method);


現在我們不希望我們的測試程式碼有任何外部互動,因此我們需要為 callAPI 函式建立一個模擬物件,因為這個函式實際上是通過 curl 呼叫外部 URL。 class AuthorizationTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

protected $Authorization;

 * This method call every time before any method call.
protected function setUp() {
    $this->Authorization = new Authorization();

 * Test Login with invalid user credential
function testFailedLogin() {

    /*creating mock object of Curl class which is having callAPI function*/
    $observer = $this->getMockBuilder('Curl')

    /* setting the result to call API. Thus by default whenver call api is called via this function it will return invalid user message*/
            ->will($this->returnValue('"Invalid user credentials"'));

    /* attach the observer/mock object so that our return value is used */

    /* finally making an assertion*/
    $this->assertEquals('"Invalid user credentials"',           $this->Authorization->postAuthorization('/authorizations', 'POST'));


下面是 curl 類的程式碼(只是一個示例) class Curl{ function callAPI($url, $method){

    //sending curl req
