使用 PDO 進行資料庫事務


PDO 提供了用於開始,提交和回滾事務的簡單方法。

$pdo = new PDO(

try {
    $statement = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE user SET name = :name");



catch (\Exception $e) {
    if ($pdo->inTransaction()) {
        // If we got here our two data updates are not in the database
    throw $e;

在事務期間,所做的任何資料更改僅對活動連線可見。SELECT 語句將返回已更改的更改,即使它們尚未提交到資料庫。


使用 PDO 進行事務的實際示例


想象一下以下場景,假設你正在為電子商務網站構建購物車,並且你決定將訂單儲存在兩個資料庫表中。一個名為 orders,欄位為 order_idnameaddresstelephonecreated_at。第二個名為 orders_products,欄位為 order_idproduct_idquantity。第一個表包含訂單的後設資料,第二個表包含已訂購的實際產品


要在資料庫中插入新訂單,你需要做兩件事。首先,你需要在 orders 表中建立一條新記錄,其中包含訂單的後設資料nameaddress 等)。然後,你需要將一條記錄傳送到 orders_products 表中,包含在訂單中的每個產品中。


// Insert the metadata of the order into the database
$preparedStatement = $db->prepare(
    'INSERT INTO `orders` (`name`, `address`, `telephone`, `created_at`)
     VALUES (:name, :address, :telephone, :created_at)'

    'name' => $name,
    'address' => $address,
    'telephone' => $telephone,
    'created_at' => time(),

// Get the generated `order_id`
$orderId = $db->lastInsertId();

// Construct the query for inserting the products of the order
$insertProductsQuery = 'INSERT INTO `orders_products` (`order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`) VALUES';

$count = 0;
foreach ( $products as $productId => $quantity ) {
    $insertProductsQuery .= ' (:order_id' . $count . ', :product_id' . $count . ', :quantity' . $count . ')';
    $insertProductsParams['order_id' . $count] = $orderId;
    $insertProductsParams['product_id' . $count] = $productId;
    $insertProductsParams['quantity' . $count] = $quantity;

// Insert the products included in the order into the database
$preparedStatement = $db->prepare($insertProductsQuery);

這對於將新訂單插入資料庫非常有用,直到出現意外情況並且由於某種原因第二個 INSERT 查詢失敗。如果發生這種情況,你最終會在 orders 表中找到一個新訂單,該訂單中沒有與之關聯的產品。幸運的是,修復非常簡單,你所要做的就是以單個資料庫事務的形式進行查詢。


要使用 PDO 啟動事務,你所要做的就是在對資料庫執行任何查詢之前呼叫 beginTransaction 方法。然後,通過執行 INSERT 和/或 UPDATE 查詢,你可以對資料進行任何更改。最後,你呼叫 PDO 物件的 commit 方法使更改成為永久更改。在你呼叫 commit 方法之前,你對資料所做的每一項更改都不是永久性的,只需呼叫 PDO 物件的 rollback 方法即可輕鬆恢復。


// In this example we are using MySQL but this applies to any database that has support for transactions
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $host . ';dbname=' . $dbname . ';charset=utf8', $username, $password);    

// Make sure that PDO will throw an exception in case of error to make error handling easier

try {
    // From this point and until the transaction is being committed every change to the database can be reverted
    // Insert the metadata of the order into the database
    $preparedStatement = $db->prepare(
        'INSERT INTO `orders` (`order_id`, `name`, `address`, `created_at`)
         VALUES (:name, :address, :telephone, :created_at)'
        'name' => $name,
        'address' => $address,
        'telephone' => $telephone,
        'created_at' => time(),
    // Get the generated `order_id`
    $orderId = $db->lastInsertId();

    // Construct the query for inserting the products of the order
    $insertProductsQuery = 'INSERT INTO `orders_products` (`order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`) VALUES';
    $count = 0;
    foreach ( $products as $productId => $quantity ) {
        $insertProductsQuery .= ' (:order_id' . $count . ', :product_id' . $count . ', :quantity' . $count . ')';
        $insertProductsParams['order_id' . $count] = $orderId;
        $insertProductsParams['product_id' . $count] = $productId;
        $insertProductsParams['quantity' . $count] = $quantity;
    // Insert the products included in the order into the database
    $preparedStatement = $db->prepare($insertProductsQuery);
    // Make the changes to the database permanent
catch ( PDOException $e ) { 
    // Failed to insert the order into the database so we rollback any changes
    throw $e;