使用 Bing 地圖的示例

var baseLayer = new ol.layer.Tile({
    visible: true,
    preload: Infinity,
    source: new ol.source.BingMaps({
        // We need a key to get the layer from the provider. 
        // Sign in with Bing Maps and you will get your key (for free)
        key: 'Ap9VqFbJYRNkatdxt3KyzfJxXN_9GlfABRyX3k_JsQTkMQLfK_-AzDyJHI5nojyP',
        imagerySet: 'Aerial', // or 'Road', 'AerialWithLabels', etc.
        // use maxZoom 19 to see stretched tiles instead of the Bing Maps
        // "no photos at this zoom level" tiles
        maxZoom: 19

var map = new ol.Map({ 
    layers: [baseLayer],
    target: 'map', 
    controls: ol.control.defaults({ 
        attributionOptions: /** @type {olx.control.AttributionOptions} */ ({
            collapsible: false
    view: new ol.View({ 
        center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([0, 0]),
        zoom: 2 