使用 Grand Central Dispatch(GCD)

GCD 將保證你的單例只被例項化一次,即使從多個執行緒呼叫也是如此。將此插入到名為 shared 的單例例項的任何類中。

+ (instancetype)shared {

    // Variable that will point to the singleton instance. The `static`
    // modifier makes it behave like a global variable: the value assigned
    // to it will "survive" the method call.
    static id _shared;

    static dispatch_once_t _onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&_onceToken, ^{

        // This block is only executed once, in a thread-safe way.
        // Create the instance and assign it to the static variable.
        _shared = [self new];

    return _shared;