
在構建應用程式時,你首先需要知道的是 Meteor 工具有一些使用特定邏輯進行硬編碼的目錄。在最基本的層面上,以下目錄被烘焙在 Meteor 繫結器中。

client/                                  # client application code
client/compatibility/                    # legacy 3rd party javascript libraries
imports/                                 # for lazy loading feature 
lib/                                     # any common code for client/server.
packages/                                # place for all your atmosphere packages
private/                                 # static files that only the server knows about
public/                                  # static files that are available to the client
server/                                  # server code
tests/                                   # unit test files (won't be loaded on client or server)

參考頁面: 流星指南>特殊目錄