
要在 Javascript 中增加日期物件,我們通常可以這樣做:

var checkoutDate = new Date();    // Thu Jul 21 2016 10:05:13 GMT-0400 (EDT)

checkoutDate.setDate( checkoutDate.getDate() + 1 );

console.log(checkoutDate); // Fri Jul 22 2016 10:05:13 GMT-0400 (EDT)

通過使用大於當月的天數的值,可以使用 setDate 將日期更改為下個月的某一天 -

var checkoutDate = new Date();    // Thu Jul 21 2016 10:05:13 GMT-0400 (EDT)
checkoutDate.setDate( checkoutDate.getDate() + 12 );
console.log(checkoutDate); // Tue Aug 02 2016 10:05:13 GMT-0400 (EDT)

這同樣適用於其他方法,如 getHours(),getMonth()等。


如果你想增加工作日(在這種情況下我假設週一至週五)你可以使用 setDate 功能,雖然你需要一些額外的邏輯來計算週末(顯然這不會考慮國家法定假日) -

function addWorkDays(startDate, days) {
    // Get the day of the week as a number (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, .... 6 = Saturday)
    var dow = startDate.getDay();
    var daysToAdd = days;
    // If the current day is Sunday add one day
    if (dow == 0)
    // If the start date plus the additional days falls on or after the closest Saturday calculate weekends
    if (dow + daysToAdd >= 6) {
        //Subtract days in current working week from work days
        var remainingWorkDays = daysToAdd - (5 - dow);
        //Add current working week's weekend
        daysToAdd += 2;
        if (remainingWorkDays > 5) {
            //Add two days for each working week by calculating how many weeks are included
            daysToAdd += 2 * Math.floor(remainingWorkDays / 5);
            //Exclude final weekend if remainingWorkDays resolves to an exact number of weeks
            if (remainingWorkDays % 5 == 0)
                daysToAdd -= 2;
    startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + daysToAdd);
    return startDate;