
此示例將喚醒每個應用程式處理器 (AP),並使它們與載入程式處理器 (BSP)一起顯示其 LAPIC ID。

; Assemble boot sector and insert it into a 1.44MiB floppy image
; nasm -f bin boot.asm -o boot.bin
; dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=512 count=2880
; dd if=boot.bin of=disk.img bs=512 conv=notrunc

; Bootloader starts at segment:offset 07c0h:0000h
section bootloader, vstart=0000h
jmp 7c0h:__START__

 mov ax, cs
 mov ds, ax
 mov es, ax
 mov ss, ax
 xor sp, sp

 ;Clear screen
 mov ax, 03h
 int 10h

 ;Set limit of 4GiB and base 0 for FS and GS
 call 7c0h:unrealmode

 ;Enable the APIC
 call enable_lapic

 ;Move the payload to the expected address
 mov si, payload_start_abs
 mov cx, payload_end-payload + 1
 mov di, 400h                 ;7c0h:400h = 8000h
 rep movsb

 ;Wakeup the other APs

 call lapic_send_init
 mov cx, WAIT_10_ms
 call us_wait

 call lapic_send_sipi
 mov cx, WAIT_200_us
 call us_wait

 call lapic_send_sipi

 ;Jump to the payload
 jmp 0000h:8000h

 ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
 ;  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
 ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll

 ;CX = Wait (in ms) Max 65536 us (=0 on input)
  mov dx, 80h               ;POST Diagnose port, 1us per IO
  xor si, si
  rep outsb


  WAIT_10_ms     EQU 10000
  WAIT_200_us    EQU 200

 ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
 ;  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
 ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll


  ;Enable the APIC globally
  ;On P6 CPU once this flag is set to 0, it cannot be set back to 16
  ;Without an HARD RESET
  mov ecx, IA32_APIC_BASE_MSR
  or ah, 08h        ;bit11: APIC GLOBAL Enable/Disable

  ;Mask off lower 12 bits to get the APIC base address
  and ah, 0f0h
  mov DWORD [APIC_BASE], eax

  ;Newer processors enables the APIC through the Spurious Interrupt Vector register
  mov ecx, DWORD [fs: eax + APIC_REG_SIV]
  or ch, 01h                                ;bit8: APIC SOFTWARE enable/disable
  mov DWORD [fs: eax+APIC_REG_SIV], ecx


 ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
 ;  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
 ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll

  mov eax, DWORD [APIC_BASE]

  ;Destination field is set to 0 has we will use a shorthand
  xor ebx, ebx
  mov DWORD [fs: eax+APIC_REG_ICR_HIGH], ebx

  ;Vector: 08h (Will make the CPU execute instruction ad address 08000h)
  ;Delivery mode: Startup
  ;Destination mode: ignored (0)
  ;Level: ignored (1)
  ;Trigger mode: ignored (0)
  ;Shorthand: All excluding self (3)
  mov ebx, 0c4608h
  mov DWORD [fs: eax+APIC_REG_ICR_LOW], ebx  ;Writing the low DWORD sent the IPI


  ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
 ;  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
 ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll

  mov eax, DWORD [APIC_BASE]

  ;Destination field is set to 0 has we will use a shorthand
  xor ebx, ebx
  mov DWORD [fs: eax+APIC_REG_ICR_HIGH], ebx

  ;Vector: 00h
  ;Delivery mode: Startup
  ;Destination mode: ignored (0)
  ;Level: ignored (1)
  ;Trigger mode: ignored (0)
  ;Shorthand: All excluding self (3)
  mov ebx, 0c4500h
  mov DWORD [fs: eax+APIC_REG_ICR_LOW], ebx  ;Writing the low DWORD sent the IPI


 IA32_APIC_BASE_MSR    EQU    1bh

 APIC_REG_SIV        EQU    0f0h


 APIC_REG_ID        EQU 20h

 ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
 ;  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
 ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll

 APIC_BASE            dd     00h

 ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
 ;  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
 ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll

 lgdt [cs:GDT]


 mov eax, cr0
 or ax, 01h
 mov cr0, eax

 mov bx, 08h
 mov fs, bx
 mov gs, bx

 and ax, 0fffeh
 mov cr0, eax


 ;IMPORTAT: This call is FAR!
 ;So it can be called from everywhere

    dw 0fh
    dd GDT + 7c00h
    dw 00h

    dd 0000ffffh
    dd 00cf9200h

 ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
 ;  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll
 ;Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll  Ll

; payload starts at segment:offset 0800h:0000h
section payload, vstart=0000h, align=1

  ;IMPORTANT NOTE: Here we are in a "new" CPU every state we set before is no
  ;more present here (except for the BSP, but we handler every processor with
  ;the same code).
 jmp 800h: __RESTART__

  mov ax, cs
  mov ds, ax
  xor sp, sp

  ;IMPORTANT: We can't use the stack yet. Every CPU is pointing to the same stack!

  ;Get an unique id
  mov ax, WORD [counter]
    mov bx, ax
    inc bx
    lock cmpxchg WORD [counter], bx
   jnz .try

  mov cx, ax            ;Save this unique id

  ;Stack segment = CS + unique id * 1000
  shl ax, 12
  mov bx, cs
  add ax, bx
  mov ss, ax

  ;Text buffer
  push 0b800h
  pop es

  ;Set unreal mode again
  call 7c0h:unrealmode

  ;Use GS for old variables
  mov ax, 7c0h
  mov gs, ax

  ;Calculate text row
  mov ax, cx
  mov bx, 160d           ;80 * 2
  mul bx
  mov di, ax

  ;Get LAPIC id
  mov ebx, DWORD [gs:APIC_BASE]
  mov edx, DWORD [fs:ebx + APIC_REG_ID]
  shr edx, 24d
  call itoa8


  ;DL = Number
  ;DI = ptr to text buffer
    mov bx, dx
    shr bx, 0fh
    mov al, BYTE [bx +  digits]
    mov ah, 09h

    mov bx, dx
    and bx, 0fh
    mov al, BYTE [bx +  digits]
    mov ah, 09h


  digits db "0123456789abcdef"
  counter dw 0


; Boot signature is at physical offset 01feh of
; the boot sector
section bootsig, start=01feh
 dw 0aa55h


1.喚醒 AP
這是通過向所有 AP 發出 INIT-SIPI-SIPI (ISS)序列來實現的。

將使用目的地作為目的地傳送 ISS 序列的 BSP 全部排除自身,從而針對所有 AP。

SIPI(啟動處理器間中斷)被接收到的所有 CPU 忽略,因此如果第一個 SIPI 足以喚醒目標處理器,則忽略第二個 SIPI。出於相容性原因,英特爾建議使用它。

SIPI 包含一個向量,這在含義上類似,但在實踐中絕對不同於中斷向量(也稱為中斷號)。
向量是一個 8 位數,值為 V ( 在基數 16 中表示為 vv ),這使得 CPU 開始在物理地址 0vv000h 處執行指令。
我們將 0vv000h 稱為喚醒地址 (WA)。
WA 被強制為 4KiB(或頁面)邊界。

我們將使用 08h 作為 V ,WA 然後是 08000h ,引導載入程式後 400h 位元組。

這樣可以控制 AP。

2.初始化和區分 AP
必須在 WA 上有可執行程式碼。引導載入程式為 7c00h ,因此我們需要在頁面邊界重新定位一些程式碼。

一個常見的共享資源是堆疊,如果我們天真地初始化堆疊,每個 AP 最終將使用相同的堆疊!

我們通過為每個 CPU 分配一個唯一的零數字來實現這一點。這個數字,我們稱之為索引,用於區分堆疊和行,CPU 將寫入其 APIC ID。

每個 CPU 的堆疊地址為 800h :(索引 * 1000h) 為每個 AP 提供 64KiB 的堆疊。
每個 CPU 的行號是索引,因此指向文字緩衝區的指標是 80 * 2 * 索引

為了生成索引,lock cmpxchg 用於原子遞增並返回 WORD。


  • 寫入埠 80h 用於產生 1μs 的延遲。
  • unrealmode 是一個很常見的例程,所以它也可以在喚醒後呼叫。
  • BSP 也跳到西澳大利亞州。


來自 Bochs 的 8 個處理器

StackOverflow 文件