
除了允許模組實體具有訪問控制(是 publicprivate)模組實體還可以具有 protect 屬性。受公共保護的實體可以使用相關聯,但使用的實體受其使用限制。

module mod
  integer, public, protected::i=1
end module

program test
  use mod, only : i
  print *, i   ! We are allowed to get the value of i
  i = 2        ! But we can't change the value
end program test


module mod
  integer, public, target, protected::i
end module mod

program test
  use mod, only : i
  integer, pointer::j
  j => i   ! Not allowed, even though we aren't changing the value of i
end program test


module mod
  integer, public, target::j
  integer, public, protected, pointer::i => j
end module mod

program test
  use mod, only : i
  i = 2   ! We may change the value of the target, just not the association status
end program test
