用 andThen 連結訊息

andThen 函式允許更新呼叫組合。可以與管道運算子(|>)一起使用以進行連結更新。


import Update.Extra exposing (andThen)
import Update.Extra.Infix exposing (..)

-- type alias Model = [...]

type Message
    = ModifyDocumentWithSomeSettings
    | ModifyDocumentWithOtherSettings
    | SaveDocument

update : Model -> Message -> (Model, Cmd)
update model msg =
    case msg of
        ModifyDocumentWithSomeSettings ->
            -- make the modifications
            (modifiedModel, Cmd.none)
            |> andThen SaveDocument
        ModifyDocumentWithOtherSettings ->
            -- make other modifications
            (modifiedModel, Cmd.none)
            |> andThen SaveDocument
        SaveDocument ->
            -- save document code

如果你也匯入 Update.Extra.Infix exposing (..),你可以使用中綴運算子:

update : Model -> Message -> (Model, Cmd)
update model msg =
    case msg of
        ModifyDocumentWithSomeSettings ->
            -- make the modifications
            (modifiedModel, Cmd.none)
            :> andThen SaveDocument
        ModifyDocumentWithOtherSettings ->
            -- make other modifications
            (modifiedModel, Cmd.none)
            :> SaveDocument
        SaveDocument ->
            -- save document code