
關於臨時表的觀點是它們僅限於連線的範圍。如果連線尚未開啟,Dapper 將自動開啟和關閉連線。這意味著如果傳遞給 Dapper 的連線尚未開啟,任何臨時表在建立後都會直接丟失。


private async Task<IEnumerable<int>> SelectWidgetsError()
  using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    await conn.ExecuteAsync(@"CREATE TABLE #tmpWidget(widgetId int);");

    // this will throw an error because the #tmpWidget table no longer exists
    await conn.ExecuteAsync(@"insert into #tmpWidget(WidgetId) VALUES (1);");

    return await conn.QueryAsync<int>(@"SELECT * FROM #tmpWidget;");


private async Task<IEnumerable<int>> SelectWidgets()
  using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    // Here, everything is done in one statement, therefore the temp table
    // always stays within the scope of the connection
    return await conn.QueryAsync<int>(
      @"CREATE TABLE #tmpWidget(widgetId int);
        insert into #tmpWidget(WidgetId) VALUES (1);
        SELECT * FROM #tmpWidget;");

private async Task<IEnumerable<int>> SelectWidgetsII()
  using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    // Here, everything is done in separate statements. To not loose the 
    // connection scope, we have to explicitly open it
    await conn.OpenAsync();

    await conn.ExecuteAsync(@"CREATE TABLE #tmpWidget(widgetId int);");
    await conn.ExecuteAsync(@"insert into #tmpWidget(WidgetId) VALUES (1);");
    return await conn.QueryAsync<int>(@"SELECT * FROM #tmpWidget;");