
static 類在成員訪問時被懶惰地初始化,並且在應用程式域的持續時間記憶體在。

void Main()
    Console.WriteLine("Static classes are lazily initialized");
    Console.WriteLine("The static constructor is only invoked when the class is first accessed");

    Console.WriteLine("Reflecting on a type won't trigger its static .ctor");
    var barType = typeof(Bar);

    Console.WriteLine("However, you can manually trigger it with System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers");

// Define other methods and classes here
public static class Foo
    static Foo()
        Console.WriteLine("static Foo.ctor");
    public static void SayHi()
        Console.WriteLine("Foo: Hi");
public static class Bar
    static Bar()
        Console.WriteLine("static Bar.ctor");