

interface IType;
interface IAnotherType;

// T must be a subtype of IType
interface IGeneric<T>
    where T : IType

// T must be a subtype of IType
class Generic<T>
    where T : IType

class NonGeneric
    // T must be a subtype of IType
    public void DoSomething<T>(T arg)
        where T : IType

// Valid definitions and expressions:
class Type : IType { }
class Sub : IGeneric<Type> { }
class Sub : Generic<Type> { }
new NonGeneric().DoSomething(new Type());

// Invalid definitions and expressions:
class AnotherType : IAnotherType { }
class Sub : IGeneric<AnotherType> { }
class Sub : Generic<AnotherType> { }
new NonGeneric().DoSomething(new AnotherType());


class Generic<T, T1>
    where T : IType 
    where T1 : Base, new()


class A { /* ... */ }
class B { /* ... */ }

interface I1 { }
interface I2 { }

class Generic<T>
    where T : A, I1, I2

class Generic2<T>
    where T : A, B //Compilation error


class Generic<T>
    where T : A, I1

class Generic2<T>
    where T : I1, A //Compilation error
