查詢特定字元 strchr() 的第一個出現 strrchr()

strchrstrrchr 函式在字串中查詢字元,該字元位於以 NUL 結尾的字元陣列中。strchr 返回指向第一個匹配項的指標,將 strrchr 返回到最後一個匹配項。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void)
    char toSearchFor = 'A';

    /* Exit if no second argument is found. */
    if (argc != 2)
        printf("Argument missing.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

        char *firstOcc = strchr(argv[1], toSearchFor);
        if (firstOcc != NULL) 
            printf("First position of %c in %s is %td.\n", 
              toSearchFor, argv[1], firstOcc-argv[1]); /* A pointer difference's result 
                                     is a signed integer and uses the length modifier 't'. */
            printf("%c is not in %s.\n", toSearchFor, argv[1]);

        char *lastOcc = strrchr(argv[1], toSearchFor);
        if (lastOcc != NULL)
            printf("Last position of %c in %s is %td.\n",
              toSearchFor, argv[1], lastOcc-argv[1]);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

輸出(生成名為 pos 的可執行檔案後):

$ ./pos AAAAAAA
First position of A in AAAAAAA is 0.
Last position of A in AAAAAAA is 6.
$ ./pos BAbbbbbAccccAAAAzzz
First position of A in BAbbbbbAccccAAAAzzz is 1.
Last position of A in BAbbbbbAccccAAAAzzz is 15.
$  ./pos qwerty             
A is not in qwerty.

strrchr 的一個常見用途是從路徑中提取檔名。例如從 C:\Users\eak\myfile.txt 中提取 myfile.txt

char *getFileName(const char *path)
    char *pend;

    if ((pend = strrchr(path, '\')) != NULL)
        return pend + 1;

    return NULL;