

在一個單獨的標題中宣告它們,它們被任何想要使用它們的檔案(翻譯單元) 包括在內。使用相同的頭來宣告相關的列舉以識別所有字串資源非常方便:



typedef enum { /* Define a type describing the possible valid resource IDs. */
  RESOURCE_UNDEFINED = -1, /* To be used to initialise any EnumResourceID typed variable to be 
                              marked as "not in use", "not in list", "undefined", wtf.
                              Will say un-initialised on application level, not on language level. Initialised uninitialised, so to say ;-)
                              Its like NULL for pointers ;-)*/
  RESOURCE_UNKNOWN = 0,    /* To be used if the application uses some resource ID, 
                              for which we do not have a table entry defined, a fall back in 
                              case we _need_ to display something, but do not find anything 
                              appropriate. */

  /* The following identify the resources we have defined: */
  /* Insert more here. */

  RESOURCE_MAX /* The maximum number of resources defined. */
} EnumResourceID;

extern const char * const resources[RESOURCE_MAX]; /* Declare, promise to anybody who includes 
                                      this, that at linkage-time this symbol will be around. 
                                      The 1st const guarantees the strings will not change, 
                                      the 2nd const guarantees the string-table entries 
                                      will never suddenly point somewhere else as set during 
                                      initialisation. */

要實際定義資源,建立一個相關的 .c 檔案,這是另一個翻譯單元,它儲存在相關標題(.h)檔案中宣告的實際例項:


#include "resources.h" /* To make sure clashes between declaration and definition are
                          recognised by the compiler include the declaring header into
                          the implementing, defining translation unit (.c file).

/* Define the resources. Keep the promise made in resources.h. */
const char * const resources[RESOURCE_MAX] = {


main.c 中:

#include <stdlib.h> /* for EXIT_SUCCESS */
#include <stdio.h>

#include "resources.h"

int main(void)
  EnumResourceID resource_id = RESOURCE_UNDEFINED;

  while ((++resource_id) < RESOURCE_MAX)
    printf("resource ID: %d, resource: '%s'\n", resource_id, resources[resource_id]);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

使用 GCC 編譯上面的三個檔案,並將它們連結成程式檔案 main,例如使用:

gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wconversion -g  main.c resources.c -o main

(使用這些 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wconversion 使編譯器非常挑剔,所以在將程式碼釋出到 SO 之前不會遺漏任何內容,會說世界,甚至值得將其部署到生產中)


$ ./main


resource ID: 0, resource: '<unknown>'
resource ID: 1, resource: 'OK'
resource ID: 2, resource: 'Cancel'
resource ID: 3, resource: 'Abort'