用 Go 和 Metadata 編寫的 StackExchange.Exceptional 收集器

可以將以下 Go 檔案編譯為連續的外部收集器,該收集器將查詢使用 StackExchange.Exceptional 模式的 MSSQL 伺服器資料庫。它將查詢多個伺服器/資料庫以查詢自 UTC 00:00 以來的所有異常,以將原始條目轉換為計數器。它還使用 bosun.org/metadata 包來包含 exceptions.exceptions.count 指標的後設資料。

Exceptional is an scollector external collector for StackExchange.Exceptional.
package main

import (


    _ "github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb"

func mssqlConnect(server, database, user, pass, port string) (*sql.DB, error) {
    dsn := fmt.Sprintf("server=%s;port=%s;database=%s;user id=%s;password=%s", server, port, database, user, pass)
    return sql.Open("mssql", dsn)

type Exceptions struct {
    GUID            string
    ApplicationName string
    MachineName     string
    CreationDate    time.Time
    Type            string
    IsProtected     int
    Host            string
    Url             string
    HTTPMethod      string
    IPAddress       string
    Source          string
    Message         string
    Detail          string
    StatusCode      int
    SQL             string
    DeletionDate    time.Time
    FullJson        string
    ErrorHash       int
    DuplicateCount  int

type ExceptionsCount struct {
    ApplicationName string
    MachineName     string
    Count           int64
    Source          string

type ExceptionsDB struct {
    Server     string
    DBName     string
    DBPassword string
    DBPort     string
    Source     string

const (
    defaultPassword = "EnterPasswordHere"
    defaultPort     = "1433"

    metric     = "exceptional.exceptions.count"
    descMetric = "The number of exceptions thrown per second by applications and machines. Data is queried from multiple sources. See status instances for details on exceptions."

func main() {
    mds := []metadata.Metasend{
            Metric: metric,
            Name:   "rate",
            Value:  "counter",
            Metric: metric,
            Name:   "unit",
            Value:  metadata.Error,
            Metric: metric,
            Name:   "desc",
            Value:  descMetric,
    for _, m := range mds {
        b, err := json.Marshal(m)
        if err != nil {
    instances := [...]ExceptionsDB{
        {"NY_AG", "NY.Exceptions", defaultPassword, defaultPort, "NY_Status"},
        {"CO-SQL", "CO.Exceptions", defaultPassword, defaultPort, "CO_Status"},
        {"NY-INTSQL", "Int.Exceptions", defaultPassword, defaultPort, "INT_Status"},
    for _, exdb := range instances {
        go run(exdb)
    select {}

func run(exdb ExceptionsDB) {
    const interval = time.Second * 30

    query := func() {
        // Database name is the same as the username
        db, err := mssqlConnect(exdb.Server, exdb.DBName, exdb.DBName, exdb.DBPassword, exdb.DBPort)
        if err != nil {
        defer db.Close()
        var results []ExceptionsCount
        sqlQuery := `
        SELECT ApplicationName, MachineName, MAX(Count) as Count FROM
            --New since UTC rollover
            SELECT ApplicationName, MachineName, Sum(DuplicateCount) as Count from Exceptions
            WHERE CreationDate > CONVERT (date, GETUTCDATE())
            GROUP BY MachineName, ApplicationName
            UNION --Zero out any app/machine combos that had exceptions in last 24 hours
            SELECT DISTINCT ex.ApplicationName, ex.MachineName, 0 as Count from Exceptions ex WHERE ex.CreationDate Between Convert(Date, GETUTCDATE()-1) And Convert(Date, GETUTCDATE())
        ) as T
        GROUP By T.MachineName, T.ApplicationName`
        rows, err := db.Query(sqlQuery)
        if err != nil {
        defer rows.Close()
        for rows.Next() {
            var r ExceptionsCount
            if err := rows.Scan(&r.ApplicationName, &r.MachineName, &r.Count); err != nil {
            r.Source = exdb.Source
            results = append(results, r)
        if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
        if len(results) > 0 {
            now := time.Now().Unix()
            for _, r := range results {
                application, err := opentsdb.Clean(r.ApplicationName)
                if err != nil {
                db := opentsdb.DataPoint{
                    Metric:    metric,
                    Timestamp: now,
                    Value:     r.Count,
                    Tags: opentsdb.TagSet{
                        "application": application,
                        "machine":     strings.ToLower(r.MachineName),
                        "source":      r.Source,
                b, err := db.MarshalJSON()
                if err != nil {

    for {
        wait := time.After(interval)