普通依賴注入示例(沒有 Startup.cs)

這將向你展示如何在不使用來自 kestrel 的 WebHostBuilder 的情況下使用 Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection nuget 包(例如,當你想要構建其他內容然後構建 webApp 時):

internal class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var services = new ServiceCollection(); //Creates the service registry
        services.AddTransient<IMyInterface, MyClass>(); //Add registration of IMyInterface (should create an new instance of MyClass every time)
        var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider(); //Build dependencies into an IOC container
        var implementation = serviceProvider.GetService<IMyInterface>(); //Gets a dependency

        //serviceProvider.GetService<ServiceDependingOnIMyInterface>(); //Would throw an error since ServiceDependingOnIMyInterface is not registered
        var manualyInstaniate = new ServiceDependingOnIMyInterface(implementation); 

        var spWithService = services.BuildServiceProvider(); //Generaly its bad practise to rebuild the container because its heavey and promotes use of anti-pattern.
        spWithService.GetService<ServiceDependingOnIMyInterface>(); //only now i can resolve

interface IMyInterface

class MyClass : IMyInterface

class ServiceDependingOnIMyInterface
    private readonly IMyInterface _dependency;

    public ServiceDependingOnIMyInterface(IMyInterface dependency)
        _dependency = dependency;