
regexp 命令用于将正则表达式与字符串进行匹配。

# This is a very simplistic e-mail matcher.
# e-mail addresses are extremely complicated to match properly.
# there is no guarantee that this regex will properly match e-mail addresses.
set mydata "send mail to john.doe.the.23rd@no.such.domain.com please"
regexp -expanded {
    \y           # word boundary
    [^@\s]+      # characters that are not an @ or a space character
    @            # a single @ sign
    [\w.-]+      # normal characters and dots and dash
    \.           # a dot character
    \w+          # normal characters.
    \y           # word boundary
    } $mydata emailaddr
puts $emailaddr

如果匹配,regexp 命令将返回 1(真)值,否则返回 0(假)。

set mydata "hello wrld, this is Tcl"
# faster would be to use: [string match *world* $mydata] 
if { [regexp {world} $mydata] } {
   puts "spelling correct"
} else {
   puts "typographical error"

要匹配某些数据中的所有表达式,请使用 -all 开关和 -inline 开关来返回数据。请注意,默认设置是像其他任何数据一样处理换行符。

# simplistic english ordinal word matcher.
set mydata {
    This is the first line.
    This is the second line.
    This is the third line.
    This is the fourth line.
set mymatches [regexp -all -inline -expanded {
    \y                  # word boundary
    \w+                 # standard characters
    (?:st|nd|rd|th)     # ending in st, nd, rd or th
                        # The ?: operator is used here as we don't
                        # want to return the match specified inside
                        # the grouping () operator.
    \y                  # word boundary
    } $mydata]
puts $mymatches
first second third fourth
# if the ?: operator was not used, the data returned would be:
first st second nd third rd fourth th


# find real numbers at the end of a line (fake data).
set mydata {
    White 0.87 percent saturation.
    Specular reflection: 0.995
    Blue 0.56 percent saturation.
    Specular reflection: 0.421
# the -line switch will enable newline matching.
# without -line, the $ would match the end of the data.
set mymatches [regexp -line -all -inline -expanded {
    \y                  # word boundary
    \d\.\d+             # a real number
    $                   # at the end of a line.
    } $mydata]
puts $mymatches
0.995 0.421

Unicode 不需要特殊处理。

% set mydata {123ÂÃÄÈ456}
% regexp {[[:alpha:]]+} $mydata match
% puts $match
% regexp {\w+} $mydata match
% puts $match

文档: regexp re_syntax