C 中的配置和使用


在以下段落中,每个浏览器都有一个示例,用于 Json 中的配置和 C#中的设置。


Microsoft Edge

C#代码创建一个远程 webdriver

// Defining webdriver variable
RemoteWebDriver _webDriver;
// Creating Capabilities and chosing browser
capabiliteiten = DesiredCapabilities.Edge();
// Setting platform 
capabiliteiten.Platform = new Platform(PlatformType.Windows);
// Requesting remote webdriver
_webDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(_gridServerUri, capabiliteiten);

Json 中的节点配置

    "platform": "WINDOWS",
    "maxIstances": 1,
    "seleniumProtocol": "WebDriver"


C#代码创建一个远程 webdriver

// Defining webdriver variable
RemoteWebDriver _webDriver;
// Creating Capabilities and chosing browser
capabiliteiten = DesiredCapabilities.Chrome();
// Setting platform 
capabiliteiten.Platform = new Platform(PlatformType.Windows);
// Requesting remote webdriver
_webDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(_gridServerUri, capabiliteiten);

Json 中的节点配置

    "browserName": "chrome",
    "platform": "WINDOWS",
    "maxInstances": 5,
    "seleniumProtocol": "WebDriver"


C#代码创建一个远程 webdriver

// Defining webdriver variable
RemoteWebDriver _webDriver;
// Creating Capabilities and chosing browser
capabiliteiten = DesiredCapabilities.Firefox();
// Setting platform 
capabiliteiten.Platform = new Platform(PlatformType.Windows);
// Requesting remote webdriver
_webDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(_gridServerUri, capabiliteiten);

Json 中的节点配置

    "browserName": "firefox",
    "platform": "WINDOWS",
    "maxInstances": 5,
    "seleniumProtocol": "WebDriver"


用于创建远程 webdriver 的 C#代码这适用于 OperaChromium

// Defining webdriver variable
RemoteWebDriver _webDriver;
// Creating Capabilities
capabiliteiten = new DesiredCapabilities();
// Setting platform 
capabiliteiten.Platform = new Platform(PlatformType.Windows);
// Chosing browser
capabiliteiten.SetCapability(CapabilityType.BrowserName, "operablink");
// Requesting remote webdriver
_webDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(_gridServerUri, capabiliteiten);

Json 中的节点配置

    "browserName": "operablink",
    "platform": "WINDOWS",
    "maxInstances": 5,
    "seleniumProtocol": "WebDriver"


  • PlatformType.Android;
  • PlatformType.Any;
  • PlatformType.Linux;
  • PlatformType.Mac;
  • PlatformType.Unix;
  • PlatformType.Vista;
  • PlatformType.Windows;
  • PlatformType.WinNT;
  • PlatformType.XP;