回调是 Continutations

// Takes a callback and executes it with the read value
def readFile(path: String)(callback: Try[String] => Unit): Unit = ???

readFile(path) { _.flatMap { file1 =>
  readFile(path2) { _.foreach { file2 =>
    processFiles(file1, file2)

readFile 的函数参数是一个延续,因为 readFile 在完成其工作后调用它继续执行程序。

为了控制可以轻易成为回调地狱的东西,我们使用 continuation 库。

reset { // Reset is a delimiter for continuations.
  for { // Since the callback hell is relegated to continuation library machinery.
        // a for-comprehension can be used
    file1 <- shift(readFile(path1)) // shift has type (((A => B) => C) => A)
    // We use it as (((Try[String] => Unit) => Unit) => Try[String])
    // It takes all the code that occurs after it is called, up to the end of reset, and
    // makes it into a closure of type (A => B).
    // The reason this works is that shift is actually faking its return type.
    // It only pretends to return A.
    // It actually passes that closure into its function parameter (readFile(path1) here),
    // And that function calls what it thinks is a normal callback with an A.
    // And through compiler magic shift "injects" that A into its own callsite.
    // So if readFile calls its callback with parameter Success("OK"),
    // the shift is replaced with that value and the code is executed until the end of reset,
    // and the return value of that is what the callback in readFile returns.
    // If readFile called its callback twice, then the shift would run this code twice too.
    // Since readFile returns Unit though, the type of the entire reset expression is Unit
    // Think of shift as shifting all the code after it into a closure,
    // and reset as resetting all those shifts and ending the closures.
    file2 <- shift(readFile(path2))
  } processFiles(file1, file2)

// After compilation, shift and reset are transformed back into closures
// The for comprehension first desugars to:
reset {
  shift(readFile(path1)).flatMap { file1 => shift(readFile(path2)).foreach { file2 => processFiles(file1, file2) } }
// And then the callbacks are restored via CPS transformation
readFile(path1) { _.flatMap { file1 => // We see how shift moves the code after it into a closure
  readFile(path2) { _.foreach { file2 =>
    processFiles(file1, file2)
}}  // And we see how reset closes all those closures
// And it looks just like the old version!