

use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;

// `UnsafeCell` is a zero-cost wrapper which informs the compiler that "what it
// contains might be shared mutably." This is used only for static analysis, and
// gets optimized away in release builds.
struct RacyUsize(UnsafeCell<usize>);

// Since UnsafeCell is not thread-safe, the compiler will not auto-impl Sync for
// any type containig it. And manually impl-ing Sync is "unsafe".
unsafe impl Sync for RacyUsize {}

impl RacyUsize {
    fn new(v: usize) -> RacyUsize {

    fn get(&self) -> usize {
        // UnsafeCell::get() returns a raw pointer to the value it contains
        // Dereferencing a raw pointer is also "unsafe"
        unsafe { *self.0.get() }

    fn set(&self, v: usize) { // note: `&self` and not `&mut self`
        unsafe { *self.0.get() = v }

fn main() {
    let racy_num = Arc::new(RacyUsize::new(0));

    let mut handlers = vec![];
    for _ in 0..10 {
        let racy_num = racy_num.clone();
        handlers.push(thread::spawn(move || {
            for i in 0..1000 {
                if i % 200 == 0 {
                    // give up the time slice to scheduler
                    // this is needed to interleave the threads so as to observe
                    // data race, otherwise the threads will most likely be
                    // scheduled one after another.

                // increment by one
                racy_num.set(racy_num.get() + 1);

    for th in handlers {

    println!("{}", racy_num.get());

在多核处理器上运行时,输出几乎总是小于 10000(10 个线程×1000)。

在此示例中,数据争用产生了逻辑上错误但仍然有意义的值。这是因为匹配中只涉及一个单词 ,因此更新不能部分改变它。但是,当参与竞争对象跨越多个单词时,数据竞争通常会产生对类型(类型不安全)无效的损坏值,和/或当涉及指针时产生指向无效内存位置(内存不安全)的值。

但是,仔细使用原子基元可以构建非常有效的数据结构,这些数据结构可能在内部需要执行一些不安全操作来执行 Rust 类型系统无法静态验证的操作,但总体上是正确的(即构建一个安全的抽象)。