

fn foo(x: &String) {
    // foo is only authorized to read x's contents, and to create
    // additional immutable references to it if it so desires.
    let y = *x; // ERROR, cannot move when not owned
    x.push_str("foo"); // ERROR, cannot mutate with immutable reference
    println!("{}", x.len()); // reading OK
    foo(x); // forwarding reference OK

如果 foo 需要修改参数,它应该采用一个独有的,可变的引用:

fn foo(x: &mut String) {
    // foo is still not responsible for dropping x before returning,
    // nor is it allowed to. however, foo may modify the String.
    let x2 = *x; // ERROR, cannot move when not owned
    x.push_str("foo"); // mutating OK
    drop(*x); // ERROR, cannot drop value when not owned
    println!("{}", x.len()); // reading OK

如果你没有指定 &&mut,你就是说该函数将获得参数的所有权。这意味着 foo 现在也负责丢弃 x

fn foo(x: String) {
    // foo may do whatever it wishes with x, since no-one else has
    // access to it. once the function terminates, x will be dropped,
    // unless it is moved away when calling another function.
    let mut x2 = x; // moving OK
    x2.push_str("foo"); // mutating OK
    let _ = &mut x2; // mutable borrow OK
    let _ = &x2; // immutable borrow OK (note that &mut above is dropped)
    println!("{}", x2.len()); // reading OK
    drop(x2); // dropping OK