
fn main() {
    let maybe_cake = Some("Chocolate cake");
    let not_cake = None;

    // The unwrap method retrieves the value from the Option
    // and panics if the value is None
    println!("{}", maybe_cake.unwrap());

    // The expect method works much like the unwrap method,
    // but panics with a custom, user provided message.
    println!("{}", not_cake.expect("The cake is a lie."));

    // The unwrap_or method can be used to provide a default value in case
    // the value contained within the option is None. This example would
    // print "Cheesecake".
    println!("{}", not_cake.unwrap_or("Cheesecake"));

    // The unwrap_or_else method works like the unwrap_or method,
    // but allows us to provide a function which will return the
    // fallback value. This example would print "Pumpkin Cake".
    println!("{}", not_cake.unwrap_or_else(|| { "Pumpkin Cake" }));

    // A match statement can be used to safely handle the possibility of none.
    match maybe_cake {
        Some(cake) => println!("{} was consumed.", cake),
        None       => println!("There was no cake.")

    // The if let statement can also be used to destructure an Option.
    if let Some(cake) = maybe_cake {
        println!("{} was consumed.", cake);