补充函数 filterfalse ifilterfalse

itertools 模块中的 filter 有一个补充功能:

Python 2.x >= 2.0.1

 # not recommended in real use but keeps the example valid for python 2.x and python 3.x
from itertools import ifilterfalse as filterfalse

Python 3.x >= 3.0.0

from itertools import filterfalse

它的工作方式与发电机 filter 完全相同,但只保留了 False 的元素:

# Usage without function (None):
list(filterfalse(None, [1, 0, 2, [], '', 'a']))  # discards 1, 2, 'a' 
# Out: [0, [], '']
# Usage with function
names = ['Fred', 'Wilma', 'Barney']

def long_name(name):
    return len(name) > 5

list(filterfalse(long_name, names))
# Out: ['Fred', 'Wilma']
# Short-circuit useage with next:
car_shop = [('Toyota', 1000), ('rectangular tire', 80), ('Porsche', 5000)]
def find_something_smaller_than(name_value_tuple):
    print('Check {0}, {1}$'.format(*name_value_tuple)
    return name_value_tuple[1] < 100
next(filterfalse(find_something_smaller_than, car_shop))
# Print: Check Toyota, 1000$
# Out: ('Toyota', 1000)
# Using an equivalent generator:
car_shop = [('Toyota', 1000), ('rectangular tire', 80), ('Porsche', 5000)]
generator = (car for car in car_shop if not car[1] < 100)