

my @numbers_to_ten = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); # More conveniently: (1..10)
my @chars_of_hello = ('h','e','l','l','o');
my @word_list = ('Hello','World');

# Note the sigil: access an @array item with $array[index]
my $second_char_of_hello = $chars_of_hello[1]; # 'e'

# Use negative indices to count from the end (with -1 being last)
my $last_char_of_hello = $chars_of_hello[-1];

# Assign an array to a scalar to get the length of the array
my $length_of_array = @chars_of_hello; # 5

# You can use $# to get the last index of an array, and confuse Stack Overflow
my $last_index_of_array = $#chars_of_hello; # 4

# You can also access multiple elements of an array at the same time
# This is called "array slice"
# Since this returns multiple values, the sigil to use here on the RHS is @
my @some_chars_of_hello = @chars_of_hello[1..3]; # ('H', 'e', 'l')
my @out_of_order_chars = @chars_of_hello[1,4,2]; # ('e', 'o', 'l')

# In Python you can say array[1:-1] to get all elements but first and last
# Not so in Perl: (1..-1) is an empty list. Use $# instead
my @empty_list = @chars_of_hello[1..-1];                           # ()
my @inner_chars_of_hello = @chars_of_hello[1..$#chars_of_hello-1]; # ('e','l','l')

# Access beyond the end of the array yields undef, not an error
my $undef = $chars_of_hello[6]; # undef    


use utf8; # necessary because this snippet is utf-8
$chars_of_hello[1] = 'u';              #     ('h','u','l','l','o')
push @chars_of_hello, ('!', '!');      #     ('h','u','l','l','o','!','!')
pop @chars_of_hello;                   #     ('h','u','l','l','o','!')
shift @chars_of_hello;                 #         ('u','l','l','o','!')
unshift @chars_of_hello, ('¡', 'H');   # ('¡','H','u','l','l','o','!')
@chars_of_hello[2..5] = ('O','L','A'); # ('¡','H','O','L','A',undef,'!') whoops! 
delete $chars_of_hello[-2];            # ('¡','H','O','L','A',      '!')

# Setting elements beyond the end of an array does not result in an error
# The array is extended with undef's as necessary. This is "autovivification."
my @array;           # ()
my @array[3] = 'x';  # (undef, undef, undef, 'x')


use v5.10; # necessary for 'say'
for my $number (@numbers_to_ten) {
  say $number ** 2;
