
以下示例使用 UTF-8 编码表示磁盘上的文件名(和目录名称)。如果要使用其他编码,则应使用 Encode::encode(...)

use v5.14;
# Make Perl recognize UTF-8 encoded characters in literal strings.
# For this to work: Make sure your text-editor is using UTF-8, so
# that bytes on disk are really UTF-8 encoded.
use utf8;

# Ensure that possible error messages printed to screen are converted to UTF-8.
# For this to work: Check that your terminal emulator is using UTF-8.
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
binmode STDERR, ':utf8';
my $filename = 'æ€'; # $filename is now an internally UTF-8 encoded string. 

# Note: in the following it is assumed that $filename has the internal UTF-8
#  flag set, if $filename is pure ASCII, it will also work since its encoding
#  overlaps with UTF-8. However, if it has another encoding like extended ASCII,
#  $filename will be written with that encoding and not UTF-8. 
# Note: it is not necessary to encode $filename as UTF-8 here
#  since Perl is using UTF-8 as its internal encoding of $filename already

# Example1  -- using open()
open ( my $fh, '>', $filename ) or die "Could not open '$filename': $!";
close $fh;

# Example2 -- using qx() and touch
qx{touch $filename};

# Example3 -- using system() and touch
system 'touch', $filename;

# Example4 -- using File::Touch
use File::Touch;
eval { touch( $filename ) }; die "Could not create file '$filename': $!" if $@;