
如果你需要从 C 代码调用 Objective-C 方法,你有两种方法:使用 objc_msgSend,或者获取 IMP(方法实现函数指针)并调用它。

#import <objc/objc.h>

@implementation Example

- (double)negate:(double)value {
    return -value;

- (double)invert:(double)value {
    return 1 / value;


// Calls the selector on the object. Expects the method to have one double argument and return a double.
double performSelectorWithMsgSend(id object, SEL selector, double value) {
    // We declare pointer to function and cast `objc_msgSend` to expected signature.
    // WARNING: This step is important! Otherwise you may get unexpected results!
    double (*msgSend)(id, SEL, double) = (typeof(msgSend)) &objc_msgSend;

    // The implicit arguments of self and _cmd need to be passed in addition to any explicit arguments.
    return msgSend(object, selector, value);

// Does the same as the above function, but by obtaining the method's IMP.
double performSelectorWithIMP(id object, SEL selector, double value) {
    // Get the method's implementation.
    IMP imp = class_getMethodImplementation([self class], selector);

    // Cast it so the types are known and ARC can work correctly.
    double (*callableImp)(id, SEL, double) = (typeof(callableImp)) imp;

    // Again, you need the explicit arguments.
    return callableImp(object, selector, value);

int main() {
    Example *e = [Example new];

    // Invoke negation, result is -4
    double x = performSelectorWithMsgSend(e, @selector(negate:), 4);

    // Invoke inversion, result is 0.25
    double y = performSelectorWithIMP(e, @selector(invert:), 4);

objc_msgSend 通过获取方法的 IMP 并调用它来工作。调用最后几个方法的 IMPs 是缓存的,所以如果你在一个非常紧凑的循环中发送一个 Objective-C 消息,你可以获得可接受的性能。在某些情况下,手动缓存 IMP 可以提供稍好的性能,尽管这是最后的优化。