流畅的 NHibernate 映射

Fluent NHibernate 是一个库,以帮助你在使用 C#代码,而不是 XML 映射的实体映射。流畅的 NHibernate 使用 fluent pattern ,它基于创建映射的约定,它为你提供了可视工作室工具(如 intellisense)的强大功能,以改善你映射实体的方式。

在项目中添加 NugetFluent NHibernate 引用,并添加一个 CustomerMap.cs 类:

namespace Project.Mappings
    public class CustomerMap : ClassMap<Customer>
        public CustomerMap()

            Id(x => x.Id).Column("Customer_Id").GeneratedBy.Native();
            //map a property while specifying the max-length as well as setting 
            //it as not nullable. Will result in the backing column having
            //these characteristics, but this will not be enforced in the model!
            Map(x => x.Name)

            Map(x => x.Sex);

            Map(x => x.Weight);

            Map(x => x.Active);

            //Map a property while specifying the name of the column in the database
            Map(x => x.Birthday, "BIRTHDAY");

            //Maps a many-to-one relationship
            References(x => x.Company);

            //Maps a one-to-many relationship, while also defining which 
            //column to use as key in the foreign table.
            HasMany(x => x.Orders).KeyColumn("CustomerPk");

CustomerMap 类来自 ClassMap<T>,它是映射的基类,包含创建 T 实体映射所需的所有方法。Table 方法定义了你要映射的表名。Id 方法用于映射 primery key 列。Map 方法用于映射其他列。