
@Spy 注释 (或方法 )可用于部分模拟对象。当你想要部分模拟类的行为时,这非常有用。例如,假设你有一个使用两个不同服务的类,并且你只想模拟其中一个并使用其他服务的实际实现。

旁注:尽管哲学上我不认为这是真正意义上的纯单元测试,因为你正在整合一个真正的类而不是在完全隔离的情况下测试你的测试类。然而,这在现实世界中实际上是有用的,当我使用内存数据库实现中的一些模拟数据库时,我经常使用它,以便我可以使用真正的 DAO。

Class under test:
public class GreetingsService { // class to be tested in isolation
    private UserService userService;
    private AppService appService;

    public GreetingsService(UserService userService, AppService appService) {
        this.userService = userService;
        this.appService = appService;

    public String getGreetings(int userId, LocalTime time) { // the method under test
        StringBuilder greetings = new StringBuilder();
        String timeOfDay = getTimeOfDay(time.getHour());
        greetings.append("Good ").append(timeOfDay).append(", ");
        greetings.append(userService.getFirstName(userId)) // this call will be mocked
                .append(" ")
                .append(userService.getLastName(userId)) // this call will be mocked
        greetings.append(" Welcome to ")
                .append(appService.getAppName()) // actual method call will be made
        return greetings.toString();

    private String getTimeOfDay(int hour) { // private method doesn't need to be unit tested
        if (hour >= 0 && hour < 12)
            return "Morning";
        else if (hour >= 12 && hour < 16)
            return "Afternoon";
        else if (hour >= 16 && hour < 21)
            return "Evening";
        else if (hour >= 21 && hour < 24)
            return "Night";
            return null;


public interface UserService {
    String getFirstName(int userId);

    String getLastName(int userId);

假设 UserService 的实际实现:

public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {
    public String getFirstName(int userId) {
        String firstName = "";
        // some logic to get user's first name
        // this could be anything like a call to another service,
        // a database query, or a web service call
        return firstName;

    public String getLastName(int userId) {
        String lastName = "";
        // some logic to get user's last name
        // this could be anything like a call to another service,
        // a database query, or a web service call
        return lastName;


public interface AppService {
    String getAppName();

假设 AppService 的实际实现:

public class AppServiceImpl implements AppService {
    public String getAppName() {
        // assume you are reading this from properties file
        String appName = "The Amazing Application";
        return appName;

与 Mockito 一起进行 Junit 测试:

public class GreetingsServiceTest {
    private UserServiceImpl userService; // this class will be mocked
    private AppServiceImpl appService; // this class WON'T be mocked
    private GreetingsService greetingsService = new GreetingsService(userService, appService);

    public void setUp() {

    public void testGetGreetings_morning() throws Exception {
        // specify mocked behavior
        // invoke method under test
        String greetings = greetingsService.getGreetings(99, LocalTime.of(0, 45));
        Assert.assertEquals("Failed to get greetings!", "Good Morning, John Doe! Welcome to The Amazing Application.", greetings);

    public void testGetGreetings_afternoon() throws Exception {
        // specify mocked behavior
        // invoke method under test
        String greetings = greetingsService.getGreetings(11, LocalTime.of(13, 15));
        Assert.assertEquals("Failed to get greetings!", "Good Afternoon, Jane Doe! Welcome to The Amazing Application.", greetings);