biber 的基本参考书目

要开始参考书目,你需要定义你的来源。创建一个数据库文件 (如 sources.bib)并包含一些内容:

    Author = {John Doe},
    Publisher = {Earth University},
    Title = {Creating a bibliography with biber},
    Year = {1993}}



% Include the biblatex package and tell it to use biber as a backend.
% Without specifying the backend, it assumes biber.

% Define where biber can find your sources

"Biber isn't that difficult." \cite{Doe1993}
% Use \cite{source-ID} to generate a citation

% Print the bibliography


要编译文档,你需要按顺序运行 3 个命令:

  1. pdflatex 创建一个辅助文件,告诉 biber 需要哪些来源
  2. biber 创建一个辅助文件,其中包含 pdflatex 可以使用的所有源
  3. pdflatex 包含辅助文件并创建 PDF

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