with 绑定将绑定节点内的 HTML 绑定到单独的上下文:

<div data-bind="with: subViewModel">
  <p data-bind="text: title"></p>

也可以在没有容器元件的情况下使用 with 绑定,其中容器元件可能不合适。

<!-- ko with: subViewModel -->
  <p data-bind="text: title"></p>
<!-- /ko -->
var vm = {
  subViewModel: ko.observable()

// Doesn't throw an error on the `text: title`; the `<p>` element 
// isn't bound to any context (and even removed from the DOM)

// Includes the `<p>` element and binds it to our new object
vm.subViewModel({ title: "SubViewModel" });

with 结合与 templateforeach 结合有许多相似之处。