
$(element).hide()            // sets display: none
$(element).show()            // sets display to original value
$(element).toggle()          // toggles between the two
$(element).is(':visible')    // returns true or false
$('element:visible')         // matches all elements that are visible
$('element:hidden')          // matches all elements that are hidden

$('element').fadeIn();          // display the element
$('element').fadeOut();          // hide the element

$('element').fadeIn(1000);          // display the element using timer
$('element').fadeOut(1000);          // hide the element using timer

// display the element using timer and a callback function
$('element').fadeIn(1000, function(){
 // code to execute

// hide the element using timer and a callback function
$('element').fadeOut(1000, function(){
   // code to execute