身份 Monad

这是在 JavaScript 中实现身份 monad 的示例,可以作为创建其他 monad 的起点。

基于 Douglas Crockford 关于 monad 和性腺会议

使用这种方法重用你的函数会更容易,因为这个 monad 提供的灵活性和构图噩梦:

f(g(h(i(j(k(value), j1), i2), h1, h2), g1, g2), f1, f2)


    .bind(j, j1, j2)
    .bind(i, i2)
    .bind(h, h1, h2)
    .bind(g, g1, g2)
    .bind(f, f1, f2);
function identityMonad(value) {
    var monad = Object.create(null);
    // func should return a monad
    monad.bind = function (func, ...args) {
        return func(value, ...args);

    // whatever func does, we get our monad back
    monad.call = function (func, ...args) {
        func(value, ...args);

        return identityMonad(value);
    // func doesn't have to know anything about monads
    monad.apply = function (func, ...args) {
        return identityMonad(func(value, ...args));

    // Get the value wrapped in this monad
    monad.value = function () {
        return value;
    return monad;


var value = 'foo',
    f = x => x + ' changed',
    g = x => x + ' again';

    .bind(alert); // Alerts 'foo changed again'


var value = { foo: 'foo' },
    f = x => identityMonad(Object.assign(x, { foo: 'bar' })),
    g = x => Object.assign(x, { bar: 'foo' }),
    h = x => console.log('foo: ' + x.foo + ', bar: ' + x.bar);

    .bind(h); // Logs 'foo: bar, bar: foo'


var add = (x, ...args) => x + args.reduce((r, n) => r + n, 0),
    multiply = (x, ...args) => x * args.reduce((r, n) => r * n, 1),
    divideMonad = (x, ...args) => identityMonad(x / multiply(...args)),
    log = x => console.log(x),
    substract = (x, ...args) => x - add(...args);

    .apply(add, 10, 29, 13)
    .apply(multiply, 2)
    .bind(divideMonad, 2)
    .apply(substract, 67, 34)
    .apply(multiply, 1239)
    .bind(divideMonad, 20, 54, 2)
    .call(log); // Logs 29