
所有 Javadoc 注释都以块注释开头,后跟星号(/**),并在块注释(*/)结束时结束。可选地,每行可以以任意空格和单个星号开始; 生成文档文件时会忽略这些内容。

 * Fields can be documented as well.
 * As with other javadocs, the documentation before the first period is used as a
 * summary, and is usually separated from the rest of the documentation by a blank 
 * line.
 * Documentation for fields can use inline tags, such as:
 * {@code code here}
 * {@literal text here}
 * {@link other.docs.Here}
 * Field documentation can also make use of the following tags:
 * @since 2.1.0
 * @see some.other.class.Documentation
 * @deprecated Describe why this field is outdated
public static final String CONSTANT_STRING = "foo";