CompletableFuture 的简单示例

在下面的示例中,calculateShippingPrice 方法计算运费,这需要一些处理时间。在现实世界的示例中,这将例如联系另一个服务器,该服务器基于产品的重量和运输方法返回价格。

通过 CompletableFuture 以异步方式对其进行建模,我们可以继续该方法的不同工作(即计算包装成本)。

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int price = 15; // Let's keep it simple and work with whole number prices here
    int weightInGrams = 900;
    calculateShippingPrice(weightInGrams) // Here, we get the future
        .thenAccept(shippingPrice -> { // And then immediately work on it!
            // This fluent style is very useful for keeping it concise
            System.out.println("Your total price is: " + (price + shippingPrice));
    System.out.println("Please stand by. We are calculating your total price.");

public static CompletableFuture<Integer> calculateShippingPrice(int weightInGrams) {
    return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> { 
        // supplyAsync is a factory method that turns a given 
        // Supplier<U> into a CompletableFuture<U>

        // Let's just say each 200 grams is a new dollar on your shipping costs
        int shippingCosts = weightInGrams / 200;
        try {
            Thread.sleep(2000L); // Now let's simulate some waiting time...
        } catch(InterruptedException e) { /* We can safely ignore that */ }

        return shippingCosts; // And send the costs back!